Thursday, March 10, 2011

Everyone is born with Fighting Instincts. part 1 new born

My study of Fighting Instincts starts with a baby, because thats where life begins.

Let me brake this title statement down for you. The first part is simple "every one is born" means they where brought into life, and the next part of this statement is "with" a will to survive! From the minute you are born your "fighting instinct" to survive kicks in. You have to start breathing on your own and have a hunger to start eating.

This is how your "Fighting Instincts" starts as a baby, you cry when you are hungry or need to be changed to let people know.

A new born baby can't control their arm movements yet, but have amazingly strong hand grip that can hold their own upper body weight. (first hands instincts)

That grip starts their arm muscle control development by pulling things to their mouth.(instincts to eat)

 Then they learn to pull them self around.(instincts to move)

Babies start learning to climb first, before learning any other major movements.(what is your opinion)